12 November 2012

iPad mini price formula, I fuond; $40 x screen size, and for Retina $50 x screen size

from article by AppBank
I found simple iPad series price calculation formula that I had never seen in internet.
That covers iPod touch as somebody said as "iPad mini is large iPod touch."
  • non Retina iPad's price is $40 multiplied by display size in inch.
    For Retina model, $50 multiplied by display size.
  • Above is for 16GB model. For 32GB and 64GB, each time when doubling the memory, plus $100.
  • With Cellular, plus $130
That's all.
Let me verify it using table.

iPod touch 5geniPad miniiPad 2iPad 4gen
display size47.99.79.7

16GBmultiplied by $40
Retina; multiplied by $50199 (not available)

with Cellular; plus $130

32GB; plus $100multiplied by $40

Retina; multiplied by $50299

with Cellular; plus $130

64GB; plus $200multiplied by $40

Retina; multiplied by $50399

with Cellular; plus $130
In this table, I wrote real price.
But gaps between calculation are smaller than 4%.
Now let me simulate several predicts for iPad mini.
  • If iPad mini had 7 inchi display similar to other tables, the price was $40*7=$280. I think it is not competitive nor innovative.
  • If iPad mini was with 8GB, the price was $329-$100=$229. I could be $199, same as Nexus 7 at that time, but they lowered soon.
  • If iPad mini with Retina display wil be released, the price will be $50*7.9=$395~$399. At the time it will be released, iPad 2 in that price will be retired, and iPad mini should be major member in iPad series.
How do you think this?
I'm looking forward to half and/or one year later.
[Japanese version of this post]

29 July 2012

MobileMultiUser for iOS V4 - enables switching user environment on family iPad or iPhone

MobileMultiUser V4 is improved on speed to switching user.
It takes about only fifteen seconds, compared to two minutes on earlier version.

MobileMultiUser protect your private account with password.

If you do not have iPads (or iPhones) for each your family member, and you have to share the it, MobileMultiUser will help you.

JB is required.
Installation instruction is on previous post.

Please enjoy.

23 January 2012

MobileMultiUser is available on Cydia

Open Cydia, then
  1. Go to [Manage] tab
  2. Tap [Sources]
  3. Tap [Edit] button
  4. Tap [Add] button
  5. Enter http://cydia.myrepospace.com/taka8aru and Tap [Add Source] button
  6. Then Cydia processes repository. (It takes several minutes these days, because some major repository having trouble.)
  7. Tap [Done] button
  8. Select [taka8aru - MyRepoSpace], and you find MobileMultiUser

Please enjoy.