On Mac OS X, Notes function of Mail.app is not so quick.
You have to open the Mail, and then call New Note from File menu.
You want to take a note, but you have to open the Mail app, is not intuitive.
So, I made an utility to start taking a note with one click.
If you are using Note Sync with iPhone/iPod touch, this brings synergy.
It is very basic AppleScript applet.
- Open [Applications] -> [Utilities] -> [AppleScript Editor].
- Copy and Paste following code into AppleScript Editor window.
tell application "Mail"activate
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
click the menu item "New Note" of the menu "File" of menu bar 1
-- click the menu item"新規メモ" of the menu "ファイル" of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell Push [Run] button to test the script. You will see the Mail.app is open and new note window is appeared.
Then, do [File] -> [Save as], with "New Note" as file name, and specify [Application] for [File Format].
- Place the "New Note" icon created into Dock.
To change the icon of "New Note";
- Save the image at the upper right.
- Open the image with Preview app.
- Do [Edit] -> [Select All] or
. - Do [Edit] -> [Copy] or
. - Select "New Note" on Finder and do [File] -> [View Info] or
. - Click the icon on the "New Note Info" window.
- do [Edit] -> [Paste] or
. Then the icon is replaced.
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